FCH Test Center gives the industry within the fuel cell and hydrogen technologies access to advanced testing and demonstration of components and systems

Workshop on Hydrogen Safety - the road to a common framework

Brændselsceller Elektrokemi
The Danish Partnership for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, DTU Energy Conversion and FCH Test Center invites to "Workshop on Hydrogen Safety - the road to a common framework" on Friday the 2nd May at the Technical University of Denmark.

"Workshop on Hydrogen Safety - the road to a common framework" brings together the Danish industry within hydrogen and electrolysis as well as authorities covering hydrogen safety. The workshop intends to focus on expanding the cooperation between the industry and the authorities for certification and approval of equipment and installations.

One example is the Danish company H2 Logic, who is setting up hydrogen filling stations all over Denmark, which must meet the requirements for the facility covering both international and Danish standards, but also has to fulfill the safety requirements for the location and the gas station in dialogue with the Danish authorities.

Technologies such as electrolysis and fuel cells and the whole process of hydrogen storage is relatively new to the market and still lacks an extent procedures and common experience with installations, etc.

""This workshop is another step towards a broader knowledge of the technologies, but it is also a great opportunity for dialogue and cooperation within the industry"
Development engineer Frederik Berg Nygaard, DTU

"This workshop is another step towards a broader knowledge of the technologies, but it is also a great opportunity for dialogue and cooperation within the industry," says development engineer at the Technical University of Denmark, Frederik Berg Nygaard.

The workshop will include Danish electrolysis/fuel cell manufacturers, research institutions, the approval institutions in Denmark and the standardization institutions, and the lecturers include Jytte Gunner Nielsen from DGC, Allan Thomsen from the Danish Emergency Management Agency, Klaus Rasmussen from Moving Energy and Frank Markert, DTU Management Engineering, which talks about both the legislative and the practical challenges in the industry.

You can also learn more about HyProvide Coordination Project.

The workshop is open to all interested and takes place on Friday 2 May in DTU Meeting Center, ext. S04, Anker Engelundsvej 1, 2800 Kgs Lyngby, at 9.30 to 14.00.