Demonstration of Fuel Cells for Private Homes

Brændselsceller Energiproduktion Energisystemer Elforsyning

Fuel cells efficiently convert gas into electricity and heat. Fore private homes fuel cells are integrated in combined heat and power units - so-called micro-CHPs. These units are now being demonstrated in big numbers in the largest European project of its kind. The project name is ene.field and DTU Energy Conversion is responsible for the analyses within the project. 

Nine European manufacturers of µ-CHP take part in the project along with a number of research institutes. All 26 partners meet at DTU Risø Campus on February 6-7. The project continues until 2017.

For more information, please contact project manager Jonathan Hallinder  or manager of the FCH Test Center Eva Ravn Nielsen, or see the project web pages and

Enefield logo

The project is supported by the European Commission's Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking Programme (FCH JU).