Get the insight on the latest research within sustainable energy technologies, join the PhD symposium

Energilagring Energiteknologi Brændselsceller Elektrokemi Energiproduktion Energieffektivisering Energisystemer Solenergi Fysik
DTU Energy Conversion hereby invites interested PhD students and companies to the department’s second annual PhD symposium with industry participation at DTU Lyngby Campus.

DTU Energy Conversion invites interested PhD students and companies to the department’s second annual PhD symposium with industry participation at DTU Lyngby Campus.

The symposium will take place on 21 November 2014 at DTU’s meeting centre, meeting rooms S1/S9 and the lounge, DTU Lyngby Campus, Building 101A, Anker Engelunds Vej 1, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby.

The symposium will be kicked off by Head of Department Søren Linderoth, followed by presentations by two former PhD students from DTU Energy Conversion - Lars Mikkelsen from Babcock & Wilcox Vølund and Allan Lyckegaard from Xnovo Technology Aps – who will present their PhD projects and what they are working on now. They will moreover give a presentation of how they – if at all – use the competencies obtained at DTU in their current positions/projects, and the challenges they have experienced from their transition from PhD students to the corporate world.

These presentations will be followed by 12 current PhD students at DTU Energy Conversion who will give oral presentations of their research, divided into two tracks in separate locations, and by 23 other PhD students who will participate in a poster session in the lounge.

The symposium will cover ten strategic technologies, including all the newest research in the fields of organic solar cells, thermoelectrics, thin film depositions, magnetic refrigeration, solid oxide fuel cells and electrolysis cells, batteries, polymer fuel cells, oxygen membranes and much more.

Join the symposium and find a unique place to be introduced to the research and researchers of the future and network with the PhD students and relevant industry representatives.

You register for the symposium by sending an email to Heidi Adler Berggren ( The registration deadline is 18 November 2014.

The program of thePhD Symposium can be downloaded here.