Inaugural of professors Poul Norby and Jens Wenzel Andreasen March 2017
Inaugural of professors Poul Norby and Jens Wenzel Andreasen March 2017
Inaugural of professors Poul Norby and Jens Wenzel Andreasen March 2017
Inaugural of professors Poul Norby and Jens Wenzel Andreasen March 2017
Inaugural of professors Poul Norby and Jens Wenzel Andreasen March 2017
Inaugural of professors Poul Norby and Jens Wenzel Andreasen March 2017
Inaugural of professors Poul Norby and Jens Wenzel Andreasen March 2017
Inaugural of professors Poul Norby and Jens Wenzel Andreasen March 2017
Inaugural of professors Poul Norby and Jens Wenzel Andreasen March 2017
Inaugural of professors Poul Norby and Jens Wenzel Andreasen March 2017
Inaugural of professors Poul Norby and Jens Wenzel Andreasen March 2017
Inaugural of professors Poul Norby and Jens Wenzel Andreasen March 2017

DTU Energy strengthens research in materials with two professors

Energiteknologi Brændselsceller Energieffektivisering Energilagring Elektrokemi
Poul Norby and Jens Wenzel Andreasen were appointed Professors at DTU Energy 1 December 2016, and on Friday 31 March they gave their two inaugural lectures.

The two newly appointed professors Poul Norby and Jens Wenzel Andreasen from DTU Energy are both internationally recognized experts in materials research.

Professor Poul Norby does research on interfacial phenomena in batteries, which he studies by in-situ methods to follow the chemical processes that occur inside the battery, as they happen.

Professor Jens Wenzel Andreasen is an expert in X-ray scattering for materials research, in particular polymer systems and organic solar cells.

Both professors are super users of synchrotrons, huge research facilities where electrons are accelerated to speeds very close to the speed of light where they emit very intense X-rays used for research into materials.

The appointment of the two Professors is both a recognition of their unique skills and great research efforts, but also a buildup of material research at DTU, as both are to contribute to the new DTU Imaging Center in collaboration with researchers from DTU Physics, DTU Compute, DTU Mechanical Engineering and the Niels Bohr Institute, all experts in materials research.

The DTU Imaging Center is to ensure better Danish exploitation of the two major international research facilities MaxIV and ESS, which is being built in Lund in Sweden.

You can download the inaugural speech by Poul Norby here

DTU Imaging Center

The European Spallation Source (ESS) and MAX IV are two new large-scale facilities in Lund, Sweden. These two facilities will make the Øresund region a world leading area for material research in the coming years. The DTU Imaging Center will take advantage of this close proximity to Max IV and ESS and to provide the industry with the latest equipment and the most advanced knowledge within 3D imaging and data analysis. Read more about DTU Imaging Center